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Village of Valemount Bylaws

Anti-Idling Bylaw No.816, 2020

Benefits further reduction of PM2.5 emissions from other sources; idling vehicles being a major contributor.

Open Air Burning Bylaw No.703, 2016 Consolidated

Enhances the efforts brought forth by the Clean Air Task force as it prohibits open air burning within 100 meters of any residence at all times. This eliminates the ability to open air burn on approximately 90% of properties within the Village of Valemount. (Not including campfires)

Wood Burning Appliance Regulation Bylaw No.838, 2021

Regulates the installation of wood-burning appliances, working to eliminate the use of non-compliant wood burning devices. It prohibits the burning of garbage and other items, installation of outdoor solid-fuel combustion appliances that cannot demonstrate low emissions and, installation of wood burning appliances in accessory buildings.

Open Burning

Province of Ventilation Index webpage: Ventilation Index – Province of British Columbia

Ventilation Index Interactive Map

Ventilation Index Forecast Widget – Province of British Columbia